Apr 21, 20224 min

World Creative and Innovation day

Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity involves two processes: thinking and producing. Innovation is the production or implementation of a creative idea. If you have ideas but don’t act on them, you are imaginative but not creative.—Linda Naiman

We learn from the above quotes that "creativity is not just an idea, it’s a core of thinking that goes parallel to innovation." Ideas need a frame, and frames need an idea.

It's possible that no uniform definition of creativity exists. From aesthetic expression to problem-solving in the context of economic, social, and sustainable development, the notion is subject to interpretation. To increase awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all facets of human development, the United Nations established April 21 as World Creativity and Innovation Day.

It's a broad term that may be utilized in a variety of ways across a wide range of fields, which makes narrowing down its definition a bit of a challenge. The exact definition of creativity varies from person to person.

Creativity is an important skill to possess. It consistently ranks near the top of lists of the most valued abilities sought by employers. And having the ability to be creative is a desired trait. We all want those unique ideas that can rally an entire team behind you. We all aspire to be able to flip an issue on its head and come up with a simple, yet ideal answer. Similarly, we've all experienced the rush of inspiration and understand how enthralling it is to be in the "zone," where your brain is running on all cylinders and you're suddenly conjuring up brilliant ideas out of thin air.

We can't stop thinking, and while we're thinking, we come up with a slew of new ideas that can aid us in our daily lives. Not all ideas or thoughts will be valuable, but some will be beneficial to everyone. We work on those ideas or thoughts, which is known as innovation. Being innovative is possible if you first "be innovative".

Creativity and innovation are essential because they allow the world to evolve, expand, and change. Creativity is unthinkable without innovation, and creativity is meaningless if it isn't put to use. They are both essential to the growth and advancement of human civilization, as people come up with new ways to express themselves and turn those ideas into technologies that make society safer, healthier, and more accessible.

Creativity and innovation work simultaneously in every area, whether it is science, mathematics, or the arts. A wide range of classes are now available to help people develop their creativity.

Classes such as the Abacus, Vedic math, Creative writing, etc help in the development of creative thinking and invention. Creativity is required in every field, and mathematics is one of them. Yes, creativity is required in mathematics in order to work on human concepts and AI.

There is no single definition of creative mathematics. It's a concept that's still emerging, but it's based on the interaction of human creativity and ideas with intellectual property, information, and technology. The "creative industries" are fundamentally built on knowledge-based mathematical activities.

Professor Eric Mann believes that "keeping students interested and engaged in mathematics by recognizing and valuing their mathematical creativity may reverse this tendency".

In reality, research has demonstrated that creativity can aid in the development of content knowledge by students. But how can we inspire creativity in mathematics, a subject that is often thought to be rigid and linear? Several researchers have devised methods for making arithmetic more creative, enjoyable, and engaging. Here are a few basic techniques to increase mathematical creativity.

Open-ended problems help:

Instead of one-right-answer problems, open-ended questions with multiple responses allow students to experience the early stages of mathematical creativity. Traditional mathematical questions can simply be transformed into open-ended issues.

Allow students to come up with their own problems:

In any discipline, problem-solving, or "problem posing," is seen as an important and vital component of creativity. Students are expected to come up with as many distinct problems as they can with a specific setting for this activity.

Build Divergent Thinking Skills: Mathematical problems that challenge students to think in different ways help build divergent thinking skills.

Encourage Analogical Thinking:

While analogical thinking is often considered relevant in the scientific domain, it is a cognitive skill that underlies creative thinking and is equally relevant in mathematics and other fields.

Mathematical creativity is essential for developing creativity. Every day, kids experience something that is new to them. They come up with new ideas and learning new words can expand vocabulary. The new and fresh ideas aid in the development of a creative, imaginative, and inquisitive mind. As well as new ideas could spark thoughts in the child that he/she can turn into stories or creative writing. There are various advantages to starting writing at an early age.

Creative writing also encourages students to think creatively, use their imaginations, suggest alternatives, extend their thought processes, and improve their problem-solving skills. It also encourages youngsters to express themselves and come up with their own voices. It also helps their reasoning abilities. By sharpening these core abilities, the kid will be able to apply them in various areas of study and succeed, boosting their self-esteem.

We understand the value of creativity in our lives. With our numerous courses such as abacus online classes, Vedic maths, creative writing, Olympiads, and so on, we strive to foster creativity. It will encourage youngsters to be creative, allowing them to acquire a wide range of skills while also boosting their self-esteem and keeping them engaged. This helps them grow into strong individuals who can express their thoughts, feelings, and points of view clearly.
